Mission & Vision

To bring the hope of Jesus local.

The Mission

The mission of Local City Church is to bring the hope of Jesus local and build people thru the life-giving community of the Church. There is always hope because hope as a name and that name is Jesus.

The Vision

The vision of Local City Church is to help people experience God, know freedom, find purpose and dream again in their life. Jesus said that He has come to give life and life to the full

Our Values

We are passionate about God and being close to Him. We believe that the good news of the eternal hope we have in Jesus deserves celebrating and sharing. We desire God above all else, and want His Holy Spirit in the midst of everything we do. We want to help anyone and everyone experience the love of God that we’ve experienced!
We grow relationally with others, choose to believe the best about them, and live a life that reflects the love of Christ to them. We bring people to Jesus and serve our city with kindness. We are servant leaders, team players and authentic! God is passionate about His people and so are we.
We dedicate ourselves to growing and stewarding well the gifts and talents God has given us. We will not settle. God and each person gets our best, and each detail deserves to be approached with enthusiasm, passion and care. We do things well while going above and beyond!
Jesus said that we should be filled with Joy! We approach life with an attitude of humility, and strive to create a fun and inviting atmosphere around us, no matter the situation or circumstance. We enjoy what we do and laugh a lot. We are loyal and are always positive mind. There’s joy in the House of the Lord!